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   ScholarStuff Chat Network

Getting your own room on the ScholarStuff Chat Network is easy!
(to see the chat in action, Chat Now!)

  • Your URL will be hyperlinked from your chat room giving your website visibility & exposure to everyone on the network.
  • Visitors will spend more time at your site and come back more often.
  • It's 100% FREE!
All it takes is adding a few lines of code to your website. Copy & paste the following HTML somewhere onto your webpage.

In the above HTML you can change "ScholarStuff Chat Network" to whatever you would like your room to be named.

TIP: To make your pages as fast as possible for your website visitors to load, create a separate page which contains the chat html (& your site navigation links, background graphics, etc) then link to this page from the main page &/or other pages on your site with the text Chat Now! or your chat room name, such as My Chat Room. The benefit your visitors will receive by you doing this is that only those visitors interested in chatting will download the chat applet, speeding up the load time of your website. This also helps to keep the chat network performing as fast as possible.

To have the chat HTML emailed to you send a message to getchat@scholarstuff.com & you will receive an automatic reply containing the chat html & instructions.

Look here for another way to increase traffic to your website.

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